Project Management Services

What are they?

These are construction works projects which can include: a roof replacement, internal or external repairs and redecorations and new construction, or the installation of new infrastructure. They are often undertaken out in conjunction with a consultation process under Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.


What does the process involve?

  • The Client appoints a Surveyor to prepare a specification for a works project.
  • A site visit and meeting takes place with the Client. The Surveyor produces a brief, setting out the scope of the proposed works, which is reviewed and approved by the Client.
  • A full specification is then prepared and issued for approval.
  • Once approved, the Surveyor then recommends approved and vetted Contractors.
  • The Client is also able to nominate a suitable Contractor to include on the tender list.
  • The specification and other contract documents are sent to each contractor to prepare a formal tender.
  • Upon receipt all tenders are validated.
  • The Surveyor will then prepare a Tender Analysis Report of the valid tenders.
  • The report will recommend which contractor should be awarded the project.
  • All projects are undertaken under an industry standard contract protocol.
  • The parties will then agree pre-site meeting and start date.
  • Once works have commenced, the Surveyor will carry out regular site visits throughout the work’s stage and proactively manage the contract.
  • Regular valuations are carried out to certify the amount of work conducted on-site and ensure the correct amount is paid at each stage less a retention allowance.
  • The Surveyor will carry out a final inspection with the Contractor to produce a snagging list. Subject to these issues being remedied by the contractor, a practical completion certificate is then produced.
  • A final retention is held subject to a Defects Liability Period: typically 6 or 12 months after practical completion.
  • A final inspection and a snagging list is produced for the Contractor to address prior to signing off the retention.


need more info on our services?

Please let us know the services you wish to enquire about, and we will get back to you.

Alternatively, please download our service brochure.

Why use Shaw & Co

  • Our Building Surveyors will identify all relevant issues and set out the works within a formal specification.
  • We work closely with our clients and all stakeholders so that the specification reflects clients needs and budgets.
  • Our written specification creates a level playing field for competitive tenders.
  • Shaw & Co provide access to approved contractors with established track records, appropriate experience, and insurance.
  • We operate a blind tendering process which ensures consistency and creates a fair and competitive process, ensuring our clients have access to the best price.
  • Our surveyors are experienced construction contract managers and work to ensure delivery on time and on budget.
  • Shaw & Co are a RICS Regulated Firm and operate at the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and customer service.


What do our services Cost

  • Our fees are based on a percentage of the contract sum and typically range between 7%-10% plus VAT depending on the scope of the project.
  • For some projects we can offer an all inclusive fixed fee service.
  • Fees are invoiced in three stages: The first at the specification stage, when schedule of works have been agreed, second at the end of the tender process then a final invoice when the work is complete.
  • For larger scale projects or those needing a co-ordinator for compliance with the Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM) we are able to provide this service for an additional fee of 1.5% of the contract sum plus VAT


Minimum fees apply. For an indicative fee quote please contact [email protected] or Telephone 020 8948 1122.


Minimum fees apply. For an indicative fee quote please contact us