CapEx Plans / PPM

Effective Property maintenance and management is nothing short of a necessity. To help support your clients, Shaw & Co prepare 10 year Capital Expenditure Plans

Appraising your service charge budget and need a 10 year Capital Expenditure Plan?

Get in touch with us and see how we can assist you.

What is a CapEx or Planned Preventative Maintenance Report

Our comprehensive reports will provide you with:

  • An introduction with a description the property.
  • General comments on the overall property condition.
  • Details of works that will be required over a 10 year period.
  • Budgeted costings for those works with an indication of fees and VAT.
  • A maintenance plan recommending the priority order of those works over that period.
  • Regular works programmes including health and safety requirement will be considered.
  • Findings reflecting relevant Lease covenants regarding the internal and external repairs, maintenance and redecoration will also be considered.


Why should you have a Capital Expenditure Report

CapEx Reports provide Clients and their Property Manager with the tools to facilitate effective proactive management.

  • Ensure collection of adequate funds within the annual budget.
  • Provide a snapshot of the property’s condition.
  • Prioritisation of works.
  • Enhance block retention.
  • Positive engagement with directors and residents.
  • Reduced lessee grievances.
  • Compliance with RICS Code.



Download our service brochure.

Find out more on capital expenditure and planned preventative maintenance. Our latest explainer document sheds light on what to expect, how they are prepared and what the benefits are.

How can I arrange this?

Provide us with a description of your site and we can provide a competitive price. If you have an existing Shaw & Co report which is less than five years old and there have been no alterations to your property we can undertake a desktop review at a discounted rate.


For a fee quote please contact us